What Will You Learn In Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training?

Vinyasa Yoga is a type of yoga, in which the poses are connected together. The main focus of 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training overall, is strengthening the muscles. The asanas are similar to one another, so that the transition from one to the other is easy. The fluidity of the practice leads to dynamism in the yoga practice. You can consider Vinyasa Yoga as an off-shoot of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga. You will encounter fast-paced classes that will give you less opportunity to delve into your thoughts. The breath is primary here and connects all the poses with each other. 

It is one of the most popular forms that one covers after mastering Hatha Yoga. Let us find out more about it. 

Poses And Transitions Taught At Vinyasa Yoga Academy 

Transitions are crucial in Vinyasa Yoga. Most classes revolve around a theme. On one day, you focus on the back, and on the other, you focus on the legs. Ujjayi breath holds a lot of significance in Vinyasa Yoga. You are able to be in the present, due to the practice of Ocean breath, which is another name for it. Bandhas and Drishti are also an important part of the practice. 

You will practice a variety of poses in the Vinyasa class. There will be standing poses, seated poses, supine ones and more. You will twist, balance, fold forward, and also bend backward in a typical Vinyasa class. Some of the most common Vinyasa poses that you can make a part of your routine are Plank pose or Chaturanga asana, Boat pose or Navasana, and the Child’s pose or Balasana. The classes start with a Sun Salutation, after which you are guided by your teacher to navigate into the other poses.

It is important to note that each Vinyasa Flow class is different. However, you need to keep some basic criteria in mind, while practicing the form. The sequencing of the Vinyasa class is the biggest thing that you can pay attention to. All else will fall into place. You need to focus on grounding. This will help to calm the mind. Some of the asanas or poses that can help you with grounding are Child’s pose, Sukhasana or Easy pose, and Mountain pose. Then, comes warmup. 

Breath – The Most Important Attribute

Ujjayi Breath is one of the main components, without which your Vinyasa practice may prove futile. Moreover, you have to constrict the back of the throat during the practice, to release the Ocean’s sound. This 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, will help you to focus on the breath and be in the present moment. The Ujjayi Breathing has many benefits that makes it a suitable part of the Tristhana in Vinyasa Yoga.

Knowledge Of The Body Structure

As a part of the 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, proper knowledge of the body structure, and its internal parts is important. The role of the tendons, ligaments, bones, tissues and cartilages is quite huge. You will learn to admire every part of the body, to get into the transformative cycle. The biological process is also quite important, as there are several things that you need to keep in mind, while practicing certain asanas and kriyas.

Vinyasa Philosophy 

As a philosophy, you will be able to identify quickly that Vinyasa stresses the temporary nature of things. It is mainly about your consciousness about yourself, while the body is in motion. The 200 hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, will take you through a journey whose ultimate meaning is ‘parinamavada, the idea that constant change is an inherent part of life.’ It is a practice that can awaken your consciousness in totality. 

Yoga Alliance Standards – To Be Maintained for Vinyasa Flow Yoga

The 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training which is certified by Yoga Alliance, is one of the best accreditations for global career seekers. You should be happy to know that the course will help you to seek employment abroad. You can apply for the RYT 200 after the completion of the course from Vinyasa Yoga Academy. Your name also goes up on the directory of yoga teachers. So, you can expect a call from yoga enthusiasts for lessons sooner that you thought. 

You can join Vinyasa Yoga Academy to learn about Vinyasa yoga in complete detail. It is one of the forms that precedes the Hatha Yoga practice. The school is one of the best when it comes to professional yoga training. Moreover, it boasts great infrastructure which is one of the main tools of yoga. The location plays a huge role in shaping up the student’s demeanour. You can realize that, the moment you reach the school in Rishikesh. Located near the river bank, the constant murmur of the wind and the gurgling waters lend an eclectic charm to the place. And you can deepen your bonds with mother earth all this while. 


You can join the 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training at Vinyasa Yoga Academy, which is one of the top places to learn yoga and imbibe it into your cellular structure. With the Yoga Alliance certification, you get to add another feather to your cap as well. The course has been created with the regular practitioners and the future teacher in mind. You can enrol for the course without much delay, given that you will get so many different benefits. 

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